Leaders of Valor (LOV) ~ Leadership Done The KING’s Way!
Leaders of Valor (LOV) is a podcast for those who believe that God’s Way is the best way to lead in all aspects of business and home life. God has given us the tools necessary to ensure we succeed in all areas of life including in our assigned realms of business, including entertainment, healthcare, education, governmental sectors, etc. Modern culture tells us that business should be done one way, but LOV believe that The Kingdom’s Way is not the world’s way. LOV know that if we use The KING’s Leadership Guide (The Bible) and allow Him to act as President & CEO (Chief Exalted Officer) of our businesses, He will multiply exponentially expeditiously. LOV believe that this is the only way to operate our businesses, our families, and represent God in our assigned realm (our businesses and communities). Please join us for intense discussions, lots of praise and thanksgiving, and a myriad of successful LOV guests who have seen God work by implementing Kingdom-based principles. We also look forward to hearing how you are growing your business and families using The KING’s Roadmap for our best lives. Welcome to LOV ~ Leadership Done The KING’s Way! We are excited to grow in Christ with you!

Are You a Leader of Valor?
Do you want to represent Christ in your business dealings? Are you interested in Kingdom building as you interact with those within your assigned business community? Is your goal to thrive in business while leading the charge within your circle to bring others to Christ? If so, please join us on this journey to Kingdom building as we lead The KING's Way! We'd love to have you.

Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
*This podcast will be uploaded in 2 parts*
Do you often feel like the weeks roll together without giving you a moment to breathe? Do you find yourself going through the routines day in and day out without being able to take time out for family, friends, and the things you enjoy doing? If you are like me, the answer is "YES!!!" I often end my day on Fridays feeling like I am going to lose it if I have to deal with bills, work, emails, and school schedules one more day! In this world, our hustle and bustle causes us to sometimes lose track of....well, us! I find myself running from appointment to appointment or in and out of meetings until a full week has passed by without any time for my family, my friends, and for myself. Is this your story? If so, I have great news for you! We can have and we are instructed by God to take a mini-vacay at the end of every 7-day week! That's right - God mandated a period of rest for us!
At the beginning of time, God ordained time each week for us to set aside work, school, soccer practice, dance rehearsals, bill paying, errands, meetings, and on...and on...and on. God modeled the REST day that He Himself blessed at the end of the Creation Week at the beginning of Genesis in the Bible. Now, those of us who know about God know that God doesn't stand in human time, nor does He need a moment to rest, yet He was intentional in adding in this Day of Rest for our benefit and to give us a well-needed rest period in order to rejuvenate and to engage in corporate rest, family time, enjoyment, meditation, and worship. If God felt it was important enough to model a day of rest that He obviously did not need, shouldn't we take advantage of that rest time?
As many believe and cherish, the Sabbath (from sunset Friday - sunset Saturday evening - a 24-hour period) is time that should be set apart, sacred, and respected as God's ordained period of rest. While many believe that the Sabbath was specifically ordained for a certain group of people or certain religions, that belief is incorrect. Long before any religions began, the Sabbath was ordained. In the very first books of the Bible, the Sabbath was blessed and God said to REMEMBER to take that rest day. Why do we need to REMEMBER, because He knew humans would get so busy in 2023 that we'd forget. Sadly, the one mandate with the word REMEMBER is the one that most of the world forgets or disregards as something that was "done away with" or subject to day changes or time changes at the hand of man. Untrue. If "don't kill," "don't steal," and "honor father and mother," are respected and were not considered for one group of people, why isn't the Sabbath given the same respect and upheld as mandated? God's mandate is still in effect in 2023 and will be forever. He didn't say, "hey, this group of people or religious believers should keep the Sabbath," but He mandated it for all people.
So, what do you do during Sabbath rest? During this 24-hour period, my family and loved ones spend time together in communion and meditation. This includes sharing a meal together, watching nature's wonders together, helping out in our communities together, spending time meditating together, and just BE-ing instead of DO-ing. At the beginning of the work week, we are well rested, well rejuvenated, and well prepared to handle another week of busyness. Some go to church, others do not. It's not about religion. It's about relationship with God, our families, our community, and ourselves. I attended a conference this week where the Sabbath was presented by Methodist Healthcare System. The Sabbath rest message has transformed lives and medical wellness for many. It can do the same for us.
As we end another week, consider taking this God-ordained day of rest to heart. Take time to cherish the hours that He ordained as sacred to get away from social media, emails, work ordeals, errands, bill paying, and all of the other "must dos" that fill our work weeks. Take the period to rejuvenate before Sunday rolls around and is quickly chased by Monday. Spend time with family, friends, in your community helping others, and just "BE-ing." You will be blessed physically, mentally, and spiritually because of it. REST and BE STILL on Sabbath.
As always, remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose.

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
I was recently asked the following question and now I pose this question to you as leaders: Who shows up when you enter a conference room? Your home? Your local store? Your friends’ circle? What do you portray when you stand in front of those you see as leaders in your personal and business realms? Do you stand even in the midst of being seen as “the only…”? Do you strive to choose to do what is right and live in integrity regardless of the consensus of the organization’s executive team or do you sway from side to side with the wind? Do you sometimes stand for what’s right, yet tend to side with whatever the “in crew” agrees on to ensure you do not rock the boat? Do you bring your true values and a high sense of integrity to the table when you sit down? Does your family see you as someone who may not always agree with what they want to do, yet they know you are consistently going to do what is right? Will you profess that you do not gossip, yet when your upper management team ignites negativity against someone else in the organization by spreading rumors or about a colleague who “doesn’t fit in”, do you laugh to avoid being seen as unagreeable or being pinned as the next target? What about your friends’ circle? Do they know you are the one who will say and do the right thing even if they feel it is not the fun or popular option?
As Leaders Of Valor (LOV), we must take a stand for what is right, not solely what is popular or accepted by those we work for or admire. We must ensure that we are seen as people who will “always do what is right” even when others do not agree. I am often reminded that I answer to a Higher CEO (Chief Exalted Officer) – God. No matter where I go or what I do, I’m expected to mirror Him to those I encounter. Sadly, I do not always get this right, yet I keep trying. I want to be that person who brings the SPRITE when I enter the room – not the soda, but Skill, Professionalism, Respect, integrity, Trust, and Excellence. I want that to be my offering regardless of who I encounter and what it may cost me. If the crowd doesn’t appreciate that, then maybe we need to change our crew! Let’s resolve to bring SPRITE to the table when we show up! Be that leader!
Join us for today’s podcast where we will discuss this very topic and how we can show up SPRITE in all of our dealings. Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose! Be blessed!
TRImani Consulting is pleased to announce Thrive At Leadership! – TRImani’s newest offering thoughtfully designed to assist leaders with becoming not only skilled in their professions, but experts in handling the day-to-day practice difficulties and problems that may not be addressed in mainstream onboarding and development classes. To learn more about Thrive At Leadership – TRImani’s Leadership Success Academy, please visit: https://trimaniconsulting.com/thrive-at-leadership
LOV Website: www.trimaniconsulting.com/leaders-of-valor-lov
Social Media Links:
YouTube Channel/Podcast Landing (@drtrinkp):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFAnk9kH-VFxATgLouejZig

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
We are pleased to announce the launch of our Leadership Success Academy - Thrive At Leadership! If you want you, your leaders, and your organization to grow in areas that are not traditionally discussed in formal onboarding and leadership development courses, check out the link below and contact us for more info: https://trimaniconsulting.com/thrive-at-leadership
What's your "... EXCEPT..."? What gift do you have that others constantly praise you for, yet you feel that task, activity, or duty doesn't amount to much? Are you the one person who can talk your friends into doing what's right instead of engaging in reckless behaviors? Are you the person who organizes well and is capable of doing a lot with a little? Have you been praised for your ability to listen and give great advice?In the Bible, God gave us insights into what He can do with our "...EXCEPT... gifing. Often times, we see what we do as "nothing big," yet God can use what we excel at to propel us forward. You may be the person who negotiates well for a speaker although you will never stand on a stage. You may be able to extract meaning from something and make that info relatable to others even though you are not the scientist leading the experiment or the author writing the research document. You may be the neighbor who everyone knows can make the neighbor a happy and inviting place because of your gifting. Whatever your gift is, don't negate or downplay it. Put it in The Hands of The Gifter and watch Him develop it I to something that can feed multitudes. Today's Leaders of Valor (LOV) podcast, we will discuss how to "Work Your '...EXCEPT...'"!!! Join us! The links are below.Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose!Be blessed!Dr Trin#ThriveAtLeadership#LeadersOfValorLOV Website: www.trimaniconsulting.com/leaders-of-valor-lov YouTube (@drtrinkp):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFAnk9kH-VFxATgLouejZigInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/drtrinpierre/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drtrinpierre?lang=en LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/trinette-pierre-trimaniconsultingllc-executivecoach-consultant-advisor-author/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086605583062Twitter:https://twitter.com/TrimaniLLCPost-show Podcast Recording available on:Podbean:https://leadersofvalor.podbean.comAmazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/4dc51ae3-42a3-41e1-a4ba-f4403038fc8e/leaders-of-valor-lov-leadership-done-the-king%E2%80%99s-wayTuneIn + Alexa:https://tunein.com/radio/Leaders-of-Valor-(LOV)--Leadership-Done-The-KINGs-Way-p3727346/Listen Notes:https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/leaders-of-valor-lov-leadership-done-the-uZOnhMgs3fJ/iHeart:https://iheart.com/podcast/114030239Podchaser:https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/leaders-of-valor-lov-leadershi-5302618PlayerFM:https://player.fm/series/3471196

Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Good morning LOV,
The discussion on today’s Leaders of Valor podcast: Erecting Stones of Remembrance to Mark and Remember Our Journeys!
Do you have a method of tracking your life’s milestones? Are you someone who feels that you have never had anything positive or productive occur in your life? If I asked you to think back in each 10 year span of life on what you did, what you accomplished, what you learned in both business and personal realms, what would you discover?
My amazing mentor and The Forever Lady Leader (as I call her), @Dr. Geneva L. Williams of ElevateNextLevelSuccess.com often speaks of what she calls a Legacy Map. She reiterates how important it is to reflect on what we’ve learned, how we have grown, what we’ve accomplished, and, yes, even what we’ve lost as we have traversed through life’s journey. All of these elements, good, bad, and the ugly, made us into who we are today! Also, for me, it’s about remembering where God led me, placed me, hid me, and grew me through each circumstance and phase of my life.
In Joshua 4:1-9, God instructed Joshua to have the Israelites erect stones of remembrance” to remind them and all future generations of how God worked in their lives and how He made ways for them that were nothing short of miraculous. God said to “remember” and never forget; and also to teach our children, grandchildren, and others that we influence how we overcame obstacles, trials, etc. to ultimately become who we are. This gives those coming after us insight into the truth regarding life’s journey! In this world of “instant success” and “I did it overnight” bios, “and “microwave career ladder climb” social media-centric stories, we must remember that there is always work involved and often times a struggle or two behind reaching our ultimate selves! Although this is the part that is not relayed in the “you can learn how to grow your business to a 7-figure conglomerate in 10-days or less” hype pitch, many of us have had to work at it to see the growth. The Biblical Principle of seed-time-harvest applies in all aspects of life. There’s work involved and often a story or two of “how I got over” is the underpinning of our success stories.
I implore you to keep track of your “stones of remembrances” or “legacy map” to chronicle your life’s journey and to let those you influence, mentor, and raise know that the hype of instant success is not the normal progression for many. Let them know that even with the struggles, trials, and tears, “I still made it…and you can too!”
Teach those you are blessed to inspire and influence that the journey may be longer than expected, it may require more gas to get there, and you may show up right at midnight instead of 8pm, but the destination will be worth it! That transparency may actually benefit someone who feels they are failing because they are not where others are…yet. Keep track of and share your “stones of remembrance.”
Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose! Be blessed!
LOV Website: www.trimaniconsulting.com/leaders-of-valor-lov
YouTube (@drtrinkp):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFAnk9kH-VFxATgLouejZig
Post-show Podcast Recording available on:Podbean:https://leadersofvalor.podbean.com
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/4dc51ae3-42a3-41e1-a4ba-f4403038fc8e/leaders-of-valor-lov-leadership-done-the-king%E2%80%99s-way
TuneIn + Alexa:https://tunein.com/radio/Leaders-of-Valor-(LOV)--Leadership-Done-The-KINGs-Way-p3727346/
Listen Notes:https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/leaders-of-valor-lov-leadership-done-the-uZOnhMgs3fJ/

Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
TRImani Consulting is pleased to announce our Leadership Success Academy ~ Thrive at Leadership! This highly interactive program is designed to grow cohorts of frontline managers who are seeking hierarchical growth opportunities into strong leaders within your organization. For more information on how you can bring this 12-session series to your organization, click this link: https://trimaniconsulting.com/thrive-at-leadership
Wait for It!
What do you do when what you have been promised has not arrived yet? Maybe you've been promised a car, an amount of money, a baby that you desperately want, a promotion at work, or a vacation that you've always wanted to take. Do you become anxious, doubtful, and despondent... or do you prepare yourself for what you were told is coming because you believe in the person who made the promise?
On today's Leaders of Valor (LOV) podcast, we will discuss what we should do during the waiting periods while we are looking forward to what has been promised to us by God. We know that what God promises, He delivers on; therefore, if He told you it will happen, believe Him...even if it seems slow in coming. Prepare for what you have been promised. Pray your way through it. Praise your way to it. Wait on it! It will happen!
Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose.
Be blessed!
#LeadersOfValor www.trimaniconsulting.com

Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Hi LOV,Do you feel as I do: Like one trial comes after another....then another...then another? Do you feel like you survive fighting snakes only to encounter lions? Once you kill the lions, do bears attack you? You're not alone! Many of us are in such situations right now. We survive a health scare and then lose our jobs. We make it through a divorce only to end up with bad credit as a result of someone else's issues. We are criticized at work, then our kid skips school and gets into trouble. Why are such wilderness trials increasing in frequency and intensity? Because God is about to do something new. There is no birth without labor pains! The closer you get to your best, your purpose, your realization of what God has for you, the more you will experience adversity and opposition. Some are sent to make us stronger, while others are sent to deter us from reaching our goals. Regardless of the "why," our task is to stay the race and finish even if we have to crawl over the finish line! We will survive this wilderness experience. Our Help is there with us! We will talk more about it on Leaders of Valor:Leadership Done The KING'S Way! Join us!Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose! be blessed!YouTube (@drtrinkp):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFAnk9kH-VFxATgLouejZigPost-show Podcast Recording available on:Podbean:https://leadersofvalor.podbean.comAmazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/4dc51ae3-42a3-41e1-a4ba-f4403038fc8e/leaders-of-valor-lov-leadership-done-the-king%E2%80%99s-wayTuneIn + Alexa:https://tunein.com/radio/Leaders-of-Valor-(LOV)--Leadership-Done-The-KINGs-Way-p3727346/Listen Notes:https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/leaders-of-valor-lov-leadership-done-the-uZOnhMgs3fJ/iHeart:https://iheart.com/podcast/114030239Podchaser:https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/leaders-of-valor-lov-leadershi-5302618PlayerFM:https://player.fm/series/3471196#LeadersOfValorwww.trimaniconsulting.com

Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
What Do We Do After The Blessing?
How do we react after God comes through and gives us what we've prayed for? What do we do when we start the business? When we get the relationship we wanted? When we're blessed with the child we so desperately prayed for? Or when all is going well in our lives and we are financially blessed? Do we forget The One Who granted us the blessings by reverting back to culture's way of maintaining the blessing? Do we forget The KING'S Way of living and cut out prayer and study after He answers our prayers. The goal of Leaders of Valor (LOV) is to continue to let God get the glory after He provides in our lives. Watch LOV podcast to hear more!
Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose!
Be blessed!
Dr. Trin
#LeadersOfValor www.trimaniconsulting.com
YouTube (@drtrinkp):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFAnk9kH-VFxATgLouejZig

Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
What happens when bad situations, disappointments, or unintended outcomes present? Do we quickly blame the devil or the evil in this world? Do we see our trials and tribulations as coming only to harm us? Do you see being passed over for a promotion as an evil occurrence? Do you feel that rush hour traffic that causes you to be late for a meeting you called as one of the 7 deadly sins? Do you quickly recite "the devil is a lie" when you are faced with what seems like unnecessary and painful circumstances? If you're like me, the answer to these questions is usually "YES!"
But...what if the "poop" was ordained? There are many times that we face horrible problems and irritating circumstances only as a means to grow us into what God intends for us to be! What if GOD allowed the situations of life to be used to better prepare us for what HE has coming for us or what HE's designed us to do or be? Yes, GOD may ordain the "poop" that we step in throughout our lives. The Bible says, "and we know that God causes all things work together for the good of those who love GOD and are called according to HIS Purpose" (Romans 8:28, NLT). This means that even the little irritations or the big losses serve a purpose if we turn them over to GOD and allow HIM to refine us, grow us, and develop us in the midst of those poopy moments.
This episode of LOV podcast focuses on that subject! Join me and I pray Holy Spirit sends enlightenment to us and allows us to use the poop as fuel for our next!
Be blessed!

Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
What happens when bad situations, disappointments, or unintended outcomes present? Do we quickly blame the devil or the evil in this world? Do we see our trials and tribulations as coming only to harm us? Do you see being passed over for a promotion as an evil occurrence? Do you feel that rush hour traffic that causes you to be late for a meeting you called as one of the 7 deadly sins? Do you quickly recite "the devil is a lie" when you are faced with what seems like unnecessary and painful circumstances? If you're like me, the answer to these questions is usually "YES!"
But...what if the "poop" was ordained? There are many times that we face horrible problems and irritating circumstances only as a means to grow us into what God intends for us to be! What if GOD allowed the situations of life to be used to better prepare us for what HE has coming for us or what HE's designed us to do or be? Yes, GOD may ordain the "poop" that we step in throughout our lives. The Bible says, "and we know that God causes all things work together for the good of those who love GOD and are called according to HIS Purpose" (Romans 8:28, NLT). This means that even the little irritations or the big losses serve a purpose if we turn them over to GOD and allow HIM to refine us, grow us, and develop us in the midst of those poopy moments.
This episode of LOV podcast focuses on that subject! Join me and I pray Holy Spirit sends enlightenment to us and allows us to use the poop as fuel for our next!
Be blessed!

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Today on the LOV ~ Leadership Done The KING'S Way podcast, we'll chat a little about the founding principles of LOV and what this translates to in our business world, personal lives, and communities. Please check it out and join us if you are or want to lead The KING'S Way!www.trimaniconsulting.com