Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Be a Blessing to Others in Need This Holiday Season

Remember to Lift Up Those Who are Less Blessed!


As we in the US celebrate this holiday of thanks with friends and family,  let's remember to be grateful for all that we have been gifted. Also, in the midst of our gratitude for ourselves and our families,  please remember to say prayers and intercede for those who are not as fortunate to have shelter, clean water, the use of their limbs, a sound mind, the ability to eat each day, and the list goes on and on. Remember to lend a hand to someone who may be going through a rough season. Say a prayer of comfort for those who lost loved ones this year. This may be a difficult season for many, so please give thanks for all you've been blessed with and pray for those who are not blessed with all that we have.

As we go into the holiday season and another year, let's resolve to be thankful, grateful, and cognizant of all of our blessings....and also to live to be a blessing to others whom God puts in our paths.

Happy, blessed, and safe holidays to you all.


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