Leaders of Valor (LOV) ~ Leadership Done The KING’s Way!

Leaders of Valor (LOV) is a podcast for those who believe that God’s Way is the best way to lead in all aspects of business and home life. God has given us the tools necessary to ensure we succeed in all areas of life including in our assigned realms of business, including entertainment, healthcare, education, governmental sectors, etc. Modern culture tells us that business should be done one way, but LOV believe that The Kingdom’s Way is not the world’s way. LOV know that if we use The KING’s Leadership Guide (The Bible) and allow Him to act as President & CEO (Chief Exalted Officer) of our businesses, He will multiply exponentially expeditiously. LOV believe that this is the only way to operate our businesses, our families, and represent God in our assigned realm (our businesses and communities). Please join us for intense discussions, lots of praise and thanksgiving, and a myriad of successful LOV guests who have seen God work by implementing Kingdom-based principles. We also look forward to hearing how you are growing your business and families using The KING’s Roadmap for our best lives. Welcome to LOV ~ Leadership Done The KING’s Way! We are excited to grow in Christ with you!

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Are You a Leader of Valor?

Do you want to represent Christ in your business dealings? Are you interested in Kingdom building as you interact with those within your assigned business community? Is your goal to thrive in business while leading the charge within your circle to bring others to Christ? If so, please join us on this journey to Kingdom building as we lead The KING's Way! We'd love to have you.


5 days ago

Embrace the Transitions of LifeHi LOV,I pray all is well in your world.  There are so many transitions in life that we can sometimes become overwhelmed with it all.  Transitions and changes are inevitable; therefore,  we must learn to live through those Transitions and make them work for our new normal.  How do we do this?1. Get a great support network around us2. Remain positive and hopeful3. Embrace the transition and live in the moment.These are the keys to successfully navigating life's many transitions. Change will come to all of our doors - and it isn't polite. It won't knock, but will barge in without being invited.  How we respond to those changes will determine the quality of our lives during those transitions. Let's not hold on so tightly to the past or try to rush so quickly into the future that it causes us ro miss the beauty of the present. Choose to embrace the new normal and find joy and beauty in the now.  You alone determine the outcome of life's transitions.   Determine to move into them with vigor, vitality, and the wide-eyed hopeful perspective that this is the best time of life yet!  The change may be difficult,  yet that change, if navigated successfully, can propel us forward into our best seasons and the greatest triumphs in the stories of our lives!Remember to live for purpose,  in purpose,  on purpose,  and with purpose.Be blessed and be a blessing to others!Dr. Trinwww.trimaniconsulting.com #LeadersOfValor
Have an awesome day! Be safe and be blessed.
Dr. Trinette K. Pierre, DHA, BSN, RN, CCC, CEC, CHLC, FACHE, NEA-BC
President & Owner
TRImani Consulting, LLC – An Executive Coaching & Leadership Strategy Firm
Website: https://trimaniconsulting.com/

Because I Said So!

Friday Sep 13, 2024

Friday Sep 13, 2024

Y'all remember when parents didn't have to constantly answer the question "but why?"  Y'all remember the look you would get when you questioned something they told you?"  I surely remember the look I received many times after asking, questioning, and requizzing my parents on something they already told me.  I also remember the halting words that would freeze all of my questions in their place: "Because I said so!"  Now, I know things are different today.  This timeless phrase still works though.  Try it!Its rough sometimes to see the rainbow because all we see are clouds.  Why try? Today, I was reminded of why I should keep believing,  keep trusting, keep preparing, keep showing,  up, and keep planning even when things do not look like I will conquer all. I hope this blesses and encourages you as well.  Many of us have been waiting for "our moment."  Whether it is a new baby that GOD has promised,  a promotion,  a new home, a nod of approval or acknowledgment from our boss for a job well done, a recognition of improvement from a spouse, or otherwise,  we must remember that what HE Promised will come to pass! In Genesis 22:16, GOD told Abraham that HE swore by HIS Own Name that HE would surely bless him and do what HE Promised.  Now, there's no Name  greater to promise by, so The LORD put all of it on HIMSELF when HE said, "I swear by My Own NAME..."  That means, Abraham could believe it was done.  HIS Promise was not solely for Abraham, though.  Abraham was simply an example to us all.  That Word is as good for us as it was back then.  If GOD has Promised you something and you continue to believe and move forward in faith, it's already done.  Prepare for the baby. Start picking out nursery colors!  You already have the promotion.  Take certification courses so you can be ready.  The loan is approved.  Start picking out homesite lots and furniture!  The clients are already talking about you.  What suit will you wear to the first meeting?  Move like it's done!  When ou move, HE moves.  So, the next time you wonder, "Why should I believe this and do all of this work on a promise that hasn't produced yet," or "why would I be the one to receive that promotion,"  "why would they pick me over all of the other options out there," or "why would I think I could ever be a parent," remember GOD is saying, "Because I said so!"  Remember to live for purpose,  in purpose,  on purpose,  and with purpose.  Be blessed.Dr. Trin

Friday Aug 23, 2024

Hi Leaders of Valor (LOV),
If you are like me, you may dwell on an argument, a disagreement, or someone's untoward behavior for hours, days, weeks, months, or even years after the occurrence. Whether I dwell on it because I wished I would have said more or harsher words in that moment or even if I wished I did more to hurt the other person's ego, I have often replayed events for days...and days...and days until those days became weels, months, and yesrs of wasted time. Have you done the same?
As I replayed a recent event of such magnitude, I rehearsed the "next time I'll say..." moments. During that incident, I was reminded by GOD that time spent dwelling on things that do not matter are a waste of precious moments and time I'll never get back. GOD asked me, "If your life ended today, would this incident matter?" HE knew the answer, yet the question was for my growth. At that moment, I vowed to try my best to let the little things pass me by without giving a person, a situation, or an inappropriate interaction the power to dictate the course of my day. That's not a power I'm willing to hand to situations and people who don't matter in the big scheme of things because those issues or people won't matter when I'm living my last moments on Earth. They cannot have that power!
What about you? Think about it: How much time have you spent on things that were insignificant? How much power have you given people who aren't important? How much time have you wasted by focusing on issues that were not worthy of the limited yet most precious resource we've been gifted - TIME?  
Let's vow to do as Moses said in Psalm 90. We must remember the brevity of life and number our days so that we may grow in wisdom. That means refusing to let unnecessary drama and people control our hours, days weeks months, and years. If today was your last day on Earth, what would a review of this day show? Use time wisely. We have so little of it. Don't waste time on frustrations and situations that won't matter when we close our eyes. There are many more important things to do with our time. 
Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose. Be blessed.
Dr. Trin
Full podcast:

Friday Aug 02, 2024

Hi LOV (Leaders of Valor), Are you in a process of waiting that often results in a lack of desire to keep moving forward - to keep believing - to keep praying - to keep working diligently - to keep fighting for what you were promised? If you are, you are not alone. Some of us go to work each day and do our very best to get our tasks accomplished with great results only to be overlooked by those we work for and with in our organizations. Some of us take care of others who seem to be nonchalant about our time, our efforts, and our generosity. Many of us have prayed for outcomes of great health, healing, and physical wellness for our family members and for ourselves only to watch the steady decline of health or the untimely death of a loved one. Many of us have watched the craziness of the world result in even more craziness in all circles of life only to wonder, "what is all of this work, suffering, dedication, kindness, and diligence for if the result will be more pain and hatred towards me and my loved ones?" I would venture to say that most of us have dealt with some of these issues in one area or life or multiple areas of life. These issues may have caused me and I'm guessing many of you to ask, "what's the point?" "Is the work of my hands futile?" The prophet Isaiah also felt this way at one point in his ministry. He heard from GOD and was told what he was going to see happen as a result of his ministry. After many years of doing what he was directed to do without any positive response from those he ministered to, he finally stated, "but the work of my hands seem useless" (Isaiah 49:3)...just as some of us have felt. For some of us and many who have gone before us, we may often feel that we're wasting time doing what we've been instructed to do:
Do your best at everything you're assigned
Do your best at raising the kids
Do your best at serving your community
Do your best to be a great friend
Do your best at being the best husband to your wife
Do your best at working on the project you've been "gifted"
Do your best at living a life of service to others
Do your best to support your husband
Do your best to support our aging parents
Do your best to believe that you will be healed from the diagnosis
....and on....and on....and on!
We may feel like quitting and retreating, yet hold on. Don't leave quite yet. There's another part of the verse in Isaiah 49:3 that hasn't been introduced yet. Isaiah goes on to say, "...yet I leave it all in the LORD's Hand; I will trust GOD for my reward. (NLT).
When the promotion doesn't come as quickly as expected, keep doing your best
When the baby doesn't come on your time table, keep preparing for her
When the illness doesn't let up, keep believing it will
When your kids are not grateful that you gave up your dreams to fund theirs, keep sacrificing
When you're overlooked after dedicating your life to serving others, keep serving When your wife doesn't say "thank you," keep providing
When your husband doesn't keep the "date night" promises, keep getting dressed for the dates
Why would we continue to do what hasn't yielded positive results? Well, the answer is in Isaiah 49:8 - Because of our efforts, "at just the right time," GOD will make it happen! HIS timing is not our timing, but HIS timing is perfect. Just keep working, believing, and fighting for what was promised. Let's not let life make us tap out before the promises become reality! Who knows if the next attempt will be the one that ushers in our reward for our faithfulness? Keep believing! It will happen, At Just the Right Time!
Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose.
Be blessed,
Dr. Trin

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

Hi LOV (Leaders of Valor), I pray all is well. Are you in a season of waiting and you're now wondering if your dreams will ever become reality? If you are, you're not alone. Many of us face times of waiting, wondering, hoping, and even discouragement when it comes to something we really want to happen or something that has been promised to us. Whether it is a promotion, a raise, becoming a father or mother, or getting into the school of our dreams, the wait can often bring doubt, especially when the wait seems to take years instead of days. In this world of "instant success" and quick gratification, waiting seems like a four-letter word, doesn't it? Who wants to wait when Amazon Prime promises I can get whatever I want within a matter of hours (and often times that is too long)? I'm reminded of the story of Abraham and Sarah, an older couple in The Bible who were promised a son would be born in their latter years of life. This couple waited....and waited....and waited for what seemed like forever. They deduced that GOD had forgotten about the promise and they decided to take matters into their own hands. They went with Plan B (getting their servant to bear a child for them) because it seemed like a sure thing! This caused a lot of turmoil in their household, as we'd imagine. They were tired of the wait, as many of us are. GOD did provide the child HE promised, yet the damage caused by their back up plan was something that has lasted throughout the ages. I want to remind us to hold on and not to concoct plan B when GOD promised us something greater than anything we could imagine. If it seems slow in coming - wait for it. If it hasn't happened yet, wait for it. If all of our friends are being honored and promoted, wait for it. If we are tired of going to gender reveal parties that we are not the guests of honor at, wait for it. If the apartment is too small and we want that house NOW, wait for it. GOD will stand by HIS Word. HE will make it happen for us...just as HE promised. Dont get tired of serving, praising, and clapping for others because your day is coming. Wait for it!Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose. Be blessed!Dr. Trin #LeadersOfVal www.trimaniconsulting.com

Friday May 24, 2024

As we enter another summer season and celebrate the unofficial start of summer this Memorial Day weekend, I want us to remember to lend support to those who are hurting and suffering as the result of lives lost all around us. There are many who may not see holidays as a happy or joyous time because they are hurting. Please take a moment to check in on your friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members, and those you know who may be suffering in silence. It's ok to ask, "Are you ok?" We never know what goes on when people are alone or away from us; therefore, a quick check in May Lift someone's spirit and let them know that someone cares about them and will support them. Please check in on those you know during the year and especially during the holiday seasons. As we celebrate this Memorial Day weekend, we are grateful for all who have given their lives to protect the freedoms we enjoy. We pray for those who have lost loved ones and are suffering in silence. Be one who supports. Ask questions and be there for those in your circle. Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose. Be blessed!Dr Trinwww.trimaniconsulting.com LOV Website: https://trimaniconsulting.com/leaders-of-valor-lov 

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

It's a good thing to make money and to be able to support ourselves, our families, and those we love. What happens when money causes us to lose focus and forget the "why" behind the blessing? If you're like those in my circle, you probably have heard "Money is the root of all evil!" This is a scary warning and has been recited by many, yet, this isn't the correct content or context of that Bible passage.
There's a reason why certain individuals fall slave to money. Strange that we can be a slave to an inanimate object, right? It's true! We can lose ourselves in the chase for coins IF we do not understand what we should be doing with the money we're blessed to accumulate. Leaders of Valor (LOV) know how to use what God has blessed us with not only for our enjoyment, but also to help others whom HE allows to cross our paths!
In this video, we'll discuss this frequently misquoted verse from 1 Timothy 6:10 and we'll discuss what The Bible truly wants us to understand and comprehend when we hear or read this verse. We'll also learn how we can apply this principle to our lives and how it  can help us thrive - both in business and at home!
Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose and with purpose!
Be blessed!
Dr. Trin
Facebook: @TRImaniLLC
IG and TikTok: @DrTrinKP
LinkedIn: @Dr. Trinette Pierre
X : @TRImaniLLC

Friday Apr 12, 2024

ANNOUNCING TRImani Consulting LLC's Talk Up/Lift Up/Bring Up Challenge!Hi LOV,How many minority owned, Veteran owned, and women owned businesses are you a patron of? How many of these businesses are in your backyard, aka your community? If you don't know, you're not alone. It's time to find out, though!Veteran owned, Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) entities and Minority and Women Business Entities (MWBE) that excel in service excellence are all around us. These local businesses are what keeps the economy in our communities strong; therefore, it is our duty to support those business owners and to spread the word about their services, offerings, and products to ensure they are patronized by community members and larger businesses who could benefit from partnering with them.One of my business initiatives is to support, promote, and uplift other small businesses to ensure that we all come up together! There's room for all of us at the top, and My DADDY (GOD) has more than enough to Provide for every business that trusts HIM. We're all KING'S Kids, so let's rise to the expectation together.Beginning today, I will be going on location or doing podcast spotlights (if the business is not in DFW) with various Veteran owned, black and other minority owned, and women owned businesses that excel in service to do intentional face to Social marketing with business owners for the purpose of business promotion. Please share these videos and, most importantly, visit their websites, stop by their locations if you are local, and call on them when services that they offer are needed by your family or business! I challenge us all to follow this process and promote our community businesses to ensure longevity and success for those entrepreneurs. That equals economic growth for our own!If you know of a phenomenal (excellence in service) Veteran owned, Minority owned, or Woman owned business or if you own a business and would love to be profiled, let me know. Click on the link below and enter CANDIDATE FOR The Talk Up/Lift Up/Bring Up Challenge!Please leave your business website and a good contact source as well.https://lnkd.in/dxUjisHFRemember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose!Be a Blessing to someone else today. It will come back to you 10 fold!Dr. Trin#The Talk Up/Lift Up/Bring Up Challenge!#LeadersOfValor

Friday Mar 15, 2024

In this world of Social Media “friends” and “followers,” we need to be reminded of what a friend is.  This term is used very loosely today, yet it is one that should be held in high honor to those who are blessed to be called “friends.”  Because of the influence of others who claimed to be “friends” in our lives, we’ve witnessed suicide rates increase to insanely elevated numbers because the expectations of so-called “friends” were not met by those being hurt by statements, posts, etc.  We all may know of individuals who took their own lives because a “friend” wronged them or made a public statement about them that caused severe damage. We know of “friends” who were supposed to support and uplift others, yet took every opportunity to belittle or stain the character of another. We’ve experienced “friends” who easily walked away without rhyme or reason and no explanation as to why they no longer wanted to be bothered with us. 
May I submit to us today that everyone who calls themselves a “friend” is not so! Jesus is the Ultimate Example of Who a Friend is and what is expected of our Earthly friends. He did not walk away when things got rough. He settled in and held hands, cried with families, walked where others would not, etc.  That’s what true friends do!
Young people and older people: Re-evaluate what the word “friend” means to you.  Who have you allowed to hold this title yet they have not earned the right to do so? Who walked away when “the cool kids” came around simply because they didn’t want to be seen with you? Who told your most intimate secrets to coworkers only to have what you shared in confidence get back to you? Who walked away from you because you were trying to better yourself or because you began profiting in the business world? Those are NOT friends. Put them in the appropriate box – acquaintances – then there will be little disappointment when they do exactly what they were designed to do. 

Friday Feb 16, 2024

As Leaders of Valor  (LOV),  we must continue to build on the foundation that our ancestors and those who have come before us have laid. We are blessed to live in a time when we can live in areas many of them could not. We can work in fields where many of them were not allowed. We can make salaries that many were not able to make. Even with all of the greatness and accomplishments those who have spanned the annals of time have achieved to ensure our today is better than their yesterday, we sill have work to do.
I want to remind us all that we, and that is all of us, must ensure we continue to speak out, sit in, walk on, and voice up to ensure we continue to fight for equity, diversity,  and inclusive for all races, ethnicities,  gender identities,  religions, disabilities,  and all other wonderful characteristics that make us who we are - A beautiful people who are strong together than we are apart. Many lives have been taken, many dreams sidelined, many rights disintegrated, and many families torn apart because of the sacrifices,  the struggles, the bravery, and the tenacity of those who fought for better for our generation. Even in the face of these very real threats, knowing what they were walking into, our ancestors still pressed on and moved forward to ensure their loved ones generations down the line would have a better world. What will the generations that are not yet here say about us?  Will we be remembered as tenacious heroes who fought for them before they were in existence?
Don't let the great history connotations end with those who came before us.  Keep laying more ground work and building upward for those who will come 2, 3, and multiples of generations after us. To fail to do so would be to denote what those who came before us did as  unnecessary. Multi-generational legacy is not just about financial gain, but also includes family inheritance, community influence, equity in all aspects of life (healthcare, education,  spiritual awareness, access to safer communities, etc.).  We pay homage to those who came before us by ensuring we continue to build upward in all respects and leave a multi-generational legacy while teaching others who will come after us to take on that sacred duty to do the same. Tell how you made it, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Share what worked and what didn't. Make every day Black History Day. Share your life struggles and triumphs around the table and in your family and friends' circles. Don't let your people's history die with you.
Remember to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose.  Much love to you and yours during Love month.
Dr. Trin#LeadersOfValor www.trimaniconsulting.com
Check out our new Leadership Success Academy offering:https://trimaniconsulting.com/thrive-at-leadership
Social Media Links:YouTube Channel/Podcast Landing (@drtrinkp):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFAnk9kH-VFxATgLouejZig
Instagram: @drtrinkp
TikTok: @drtrinpierre
Twitter/X: TRImaniLLC
Post-show Podcast Recording available on:Podbean:https://leadersofvalor.podbean.com

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